IWC Pilot’s Replica Watch Timezoner Chronograph

IWC’s Timezoner Replica was developed to be an ideal travel companion. A quick spin of the bezel suffices to show a new time zone, and a built-in flyback chronograph makes this an exceptional timepiece at a reasonable price.

To correctly set this world-time Fake watch, you begin by pressing the rotatable bezel downward against the stainless-steel case, which is nearly 46 mm in diameter. Then you turn the depressed bezel until the reference location for your home time zone appears at 12 o’clock, directly above the little triangle on the flange.

The next actor in the resetting drama is the IWC Replica Watch crown, which must first be unlocked by turning it to the left. When you pull the crown out to its extracted position, the movement lets you reset the watch’s hands.

If you’re staying at an exotic location and want to know what time it is at home, or if you’re at home and you want to know what time it is elsewhere in the world, simply exert pressure evenly downward against the Luxury IWC Fake Watch bezel and turn it until the desired location swings into the 12 o’clock position: a fascinating pastime.